The Father Knows Best
August 17, 2022 by Chad Bradley
We want what is best for us, not realizing what is best for us is not what we want.
Confused? I was!
Recently my family and I were on a flight home from vacation. My oldest daughter is 9 years old and was listening to music on some headphones that she was given by the flight attendant. I did not realize how bad they were until she asked me to listen to her favorite part of the song. The headphones were SO bad! They were very cheap, the sound was thin, and there was so much more she was missing because of their quality. I couldn't let this stand, she would enjoy the song so much more if she were using my nice, name-brand, professional over-ear headphones. To my shock, SHE DECLINED! She did not want to listen to my headphones because they were not her headphones.
She was so excited that she had her very own pair of "new headphones" that she felt satisfied with experiencing so much less than the fullness of the music.
I find that I do this a lot with God. He has something amazing for me, but I am happy to decline what he is offering because I have my thing. And my thing must be better than God's thing because my thing is MY thing! I got it on my own and I do not need to rely on Him for anything. The only problem is that I do not fully grasp what I am saying no to. I am causing myself to miss out on the fullness He has for me because I am content with what I have and where I am at.
There is more, and often, to get it we have to say no to what we want and say yes to what God is offering.