Strange times…
July 6, 2020 by Tony Weir
“These turbulent days...” “These difficult weeks...” “This unprecedented year...” Doesn’t it feel like everything we read these days involves some kind of description like that? Here at The House, I’m honestly a little queasy from the ROLLER COASTER we’ve been on.
  • As quarantine hit, our staff headed home and we did our best to continue our work apart from each other and our workplace.
  • What we quickly discovered, though, was that MORE THAN EVER, God was using this ministry to bless and encourage His people through these times!
  • But now, even as the encouragement continues, we’re finding that donations to the ministry are at a 10-year low.
Due to the economic impact of the coronavirus and unemployment, we’re significantly behind the financial need to keep The House networks on the air bringing hope. We completely understand that many people are not able to give right now due to their circumstances. Our support each year comes mainly from families giving around $40 a month… and these are the families that seem to be getting hit the hardest. We’re putting out the call for people to STAND IN THE GAP. If you CAN give, your financial help is needed right now to help The House catch up! Pray about giving on behalf of someone else who can’t right now, but NEEDS the hope they find on The House. I’m personally asking you to help The House in any way you can. I believe that even during these times, God wants The House to not only be fully funded but in a position to continue to reach more and more people with His message. You can make that possible. God bless you and your family. Let’s pray that God uses all of us greatly during this time to give HIM glory throughout the coming days. Take care, take heart!