The Comparison Trap
September 14, 2022 by zzz_Shelby Love
I used to use the other women in the room as my measuring stick.
Any room I walked into, I immediately started comparing in my head.
She's so much prettier than me, I'll never look like that...
She's so cool, I'm such a dork...
She's so put-together and successful, I'm a mess...
It was a constant competition in my head and I needed to find something, anything, so I could "win."
...but, I have better hair.
...but, I'm more talented.
...but, I've got a better sense of humor.
What an exhausting and toxic way to live.
I didn't find peace with myself until I stopped searching to find my value in my weight, my looks, and my accomplishments... and started finding it in Christ.
Isaiah 26:3 says, "You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed in you."
I still struggle with comparison, but I'm taking those toxic thoughts captive and replacing them with God's truth.
I started keeping a daily affirmation journal about a year ago, and it has made such a positive impact on my confidence and the way I view myself.
Here's one of my favorites:
"My confidence is in Christ - and Christ alone. Because His Spirit lives within me, I can do everything he calls me to do."
The comparison trap is a tool the enemy uses to distract us and rob us of joy and peace.
Take your thoughts captive, and take your life in a new direction.
Here's the list where I get a lot of my affirmations: Pastor Craig Groeschel's List of Positive Affirmations to Renew Your Mind - Finds.Life.Church.
Craig's sermons on "Winning the War in Your Mind" helped me so much! I highly recommend it.