The Burden is Light
March 2, 2022 by Kevin Brooks

When we get home from the grocery store, I like to see if I can carry all the bags in just one trip. My wife, Tammy, usually tells me to ‘grow up’, that one of the bags will rip, and something will get broken… and sometimes that’s exactly what happens!  But I like showing off for her.


I thought about that recently while I was reading my devotional. The idea that we sometimes carry more than we have to.  We do that in life. Whether it's something we messed up, and we feel like it’s our job to fix it, or we think, ‘well, it’s just how life is’ and we continue to carry around a lot of stuff. And it weighs us down…


But here’s what Jesus is saying today, “ Come to me. Get away with me and I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it.” I love how the Message version of Matthew 11:29 reads, “Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”


Look, we’ll have trouble in this life- the Bible tells us that… but we don’t have to go it alone.
