For Such a Time as This- A letter to Graduates
May 18, 2022 by zzz_Aprille Ostler

Now what? This is the question I asked myself many, many times leading up to graduation. What am I supposed to do with my life? Where am I supposed to go to college? What degree should I get? Or, am I making the right choice? Not to mention, all the questions people are asking me about my future, it was overwhelming.

I never had a straight answer for people when they would ask me these questions, I couldn’t even answer my own questions. But, I knew that God had a plan for me and that I wanted to serve Him with my whole heart. I knew that I was placed where I was for a purpose and that God would direct me.

I resonated a lot with Esther, from the Bible, because God placed her as queen (her purpose), at the perfect time, to save her people. She refused to be persuaded and with her wisdom and courage, God was able to use her to change the world forever. For such a time as this, Mordecai told Esther, “for such a time as this” God placed her where she was to do amazing things for the Kingdom of God (Esther 4:14). I knew God had big things in store for me, but I didn’t know how He was going to use me to accomplish them.

Sometimes, I wonder if it would be easier if God would just send a handwritten plan for what He has for our lives, but honestly, would we really want to know? Would that be too overwhelming or maybe even terrifying to see it out, all on paper? Would I choose to still be like Esther and be wise and courageous? But like is say 365 times in the Bible to “fear not”, because we were CREATED for right now!

God has an amazing purpose planned for your life. God has individually crafted you, for such a time as this, just like He did for Esther! It is not by mistake or happenstance that you were placed where you are, right now, it wasn’t an accident. God doesn’t make accidents. You are placed in the palm of His hand. The God we serve is intentional and does everything for a purpose and with purpose. In the Bible, Jeremiah 1:5 says, “Before I [God] made you in your mother’s womb, I [God] knew you. Before you were born, I [God] chose you for a special work.” He chose YOU, before you even took your first breath; God wanted you to be here, now. So, what are you doing with the time God has given you?

Maybe you don’t know what God wants for your life, so my advice, serve Him where you are, right now, with your whole heart. Give Him your very best. My mom would always say, “do your best, and give God the rest”. But isn’t it so true? So today, give God your best in everything you do, be bold in your faith, and have the confidence knowing that God created you specifically for right now! Who knows, you might be the next person to change the world forever.