Chinese Bamboo
November 9, 2020 by Kevin Brooks
Did you know that if you planted a Chinese bamboo tree in your yard, you’d have to water and fertilize it for FIVE years, before it sprouted.  It spends all that time growing roots; a support system for the huge plant that will eventually emerge.  And WHEN it sprouts, man, it’s off to the races!  It can grow to 80 feet in just 5 weeks!! Did you know that if you’ve been sowing into a non-believing spouse, or a child, or asking God to make you more like Jesus… that even if you can’t see the sprout yet, God is working, underneath the surface… growing the roots, ready to amaze you when you finally see what He’s been doing? Don’t give up!  Keep working, keep praying, keep trusting in Him… and keep waiting for the miracle you haven’t seen.  Yet.