What Is Our WHY?
March 23, 2022 by Tony Weir

I’ve really been challenged lately to help keep The House focused on our “WHY”.   Why are we doing this?  Why do we do what we do?


In Paul’s letter to the Hebrews, he gives them encouragement to keep doing what they’re doing!  And what are those things?  They are things I believe God has called The House to do.

“Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering , for He who promised is faithful; and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near.”

                                                                                                    - Hebrews 10 : 23 – 25 NASB

  1. Let us hold fast the confession of our hope

Sharing the hope of Christ has always been a huge part of what The House does every day.  And it seems like it’s never been more needed than these past few years including today!  So many are in what they believe to be hopeless situations.  Yet, we know that God is real.  He is faithful and His love is real and people can find hope in any situation through Him.  We share this needed message every day.

  1. Let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds

The House has always looked for opportunities to get listeners involved in doing ministry.  One of our goals in 2022 is to get to know a new ministry in our listening area every month.  In January, we met with the 111 Project and have partnered in letting people know how they can help families in the foster care system.  We also met with Forgotten Ministries in Enid and have plans to work with them soon in the important work their doing for people in need in Garfield County.  And just this week, House staff are meeting with the Homeless Alliance in Oklahoma City to find out how we can increase our partnership with them.  We are looking for even more ministries to meet and partner with this year.

  1. Let us encourage one another

Through these tough times, The House makes an effort to stay upbeat and positive.  We want to be a cheerleader for our listeners!  When days are tough, we want the voice of encouragement to keep going!  To believe in yourself!  To know that you are accepted by God and by us!  Isn’t life better when you have someone to encourage you?  I know not everyone has that person or people in their lives and I want each listener to feel that The House is here to encourage them and believe in them 24 / 7!

  1. … and all the more as you see the day drawing near

No one knows when God is coming back… but we should live as if it’s soon.  We should be doing all we can to share with as many we can the Hope of Christ, to show people love and do good things, and to encourage one another as much as we can.

This is our WHY.  This is why we’re here.  The House hopes we are doing these things well for you and your community.

As I write this, The House is still very short of our Spring fundraising goal.  If you believe that God is at work here and good things are happening and you want to see them continue and even reach more people, please consider a gift today if you can.  Click over to the Donate page to make a gift now.  Your prayers are of course appreciated and needed as well.

God bless you and thanks for reading and listening to The House!

Tony Weir

CEO / The House

Program / Music Director The House FM & The House of Praise