Paying It Forward
November 30, 2021 by Kevin Brooks
There was a thing a few years ago that many of us found ourselves doing. It didn’t make much financial sense, but still, we couldn’t wait to let our friends know we’d been a part of it. We called it, “paying it forward,” or sometimes, “the drive-thru difference,” and it almost always included paying for the person behind us at the drive-thru or in the checkout line at a store. It happened to me once, with the drive-thru attendant saying that the person in front of me had paid for my order. I was so thrilled that I didn’t mind paying for the car behind me, even though it cost me about TWICE as much as I would’ve spent! So why would we willingly spend more than we have to?
Maybe we do it because we’re grateful? And our gratitude often leads to us being more generous. A recent study found that people who are grateful are twenty percent more likely to give to those in need, or to charitable causes!
Now, it doesn’t ALWAYS happen that way. Sometimes we have to spend a little time and effort on being thankful before it triggers the giving response. And maybe that’s one of the reasons why the Bible tells us to be diligent in giving thanks? (1 Thessalonians 5:18 to “give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”) Remember, in the New Testament story, Paul and Silas “gave thanks and sang praises to God” while locked up in PRISON! Maybe, if we reflect that kind of gratitude, even in the middle of hard circumstances, we’ll find ourselves being the generous people we were meant to be…
At around the time you read this, The House will be reaching out to generous people through our various platforms. People- like your family, perhaps- who’ve received hope and encouragement through this radio ministry. Your single gift of $200 will not only ensure that The House remains available for others, but will also provide 10 meals for families through Oklahoma & Kansas food banks!
So be sure to listen to The House this week, remembering that God has used this ministry in your life, and in the lives of so many. And then… pay it forward!